sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

Linguagem cifrada na comunicação instantânea

Além dos emoticons (emotional, emotive ou emotion icons), que foram sendo criados para transmitir as expressões visuais que não podem ser vistas numa conversação por escrito, a internet consagrou o uso de reduções de frases a apenas suas iniciais, ou ainda algumas adaptações, como forma de transmitir idéias sem gastar muita digitação. Começou nas mensagens trocadas por e-mail, smj ("salvo melhor juízo", como abreviam os advogados...) depois se espalhou por conta dos programas de comunicação instantânea, dos quais o mais popular é o MSN (que por sua vez é um acrônimo de Microsoft Service News, também conhecido como Messenger).

Como em Português eles já são bem conhecidinhos, achei interessante repassar uma coletânea que encontrei do que é usado nas conversações com estrangeiros, notadamente anglófonos. Mas não exclusivamente, pois há tempos, em um batepapo por escrito com uma portuguesa, a cada gracinha que eu escrevia ela respondia com "lol". Custei a descobrir que eram "risadas"... rsrsrs... kkkkk...

Mas vamos ao que interessa. Fyi:
4ever - forever
aaaaa - american association against acronym abuse
aamof - as a matter of fact
adr or addy - address
afaic - as far as I''m concerned
afaik - as far as I know
afayc - as far as you''re concerned
afk - away from keyboard
aisi - as I see it
aka - also known as
aml - all my love
anfscd - and now for something completely different
asap - as soon as possible
a/s/l - age/sex/location
a/s/l/m/h - age/sex/location/music/hobbies
atm - at the moment
awol - absent without leave
b4 - before
bak - back at keyboard
bbfn - bye bye for now
bbl - be back later
bbs - be back soon
bbsl - be back sooner or later
bcnu - be seeing you
bcoz - because
bfn - bye for now
bion - believe it or not
bka - better known as
brb - be right back
brt - be right there
btw - by the way
bwl - bursting with laughter
cmiiw - correct me if I''m wrong
cu - see you
cul - see you later
cul8er - see you later
cy - calm yourself
cya - cover your ass
cyal8r - see ya later
dl - download
dltbbb - don''t let the bed bugs bite
dmi - don''t mention it
duct - did you see that
eg - evil grin
el - evil laugh
f2f - face to face
faqs - frequently asked questions
fawc - for anyone who cares
foaf - friend of a friend
ftasb - faster than a speeding bullet
ftf - face to face
ftl - faster than light
fubar - fouled up beyond all repair (insert your own "f" word)
fud - fear, uncertainty and doubt
fup - follow up
fwiw - for what it''s worth
fya - for your amusement
fyi - for your information
galgal - give a little, get a little
gbh - great big hug
gfn - gone for now
gg - good game
ggn - gotta go now
gl - good luck
gla - good luck all
gle - good luck everyone
gmta - great minds think alike
gr8 - great
hih - hope it helps
hth - hope this helps
hugz - hugs
iac - in any case
iae - in any event
ianal - I am not a lawyer
iat - I am tired
ic - I see
icbw - I could be wrong
idk - I don''t know
igtp - I get the point
ihno - I have no opinion
iir - if I recall
iirc - if I recall correctly
im - instant message
imao - in my arrogant opinion
imaho - in my always humble opinion
imho - in my humble opinion
imnsho - in my not-so-humble opinion
imo - in my opinion
inpo - in no particular order
iow - in other words
irl - in real life
iwaly - I will always love you
iykwim - if you know what I mean
iykwimaityk - if you know what I mean and I think you do
jk or j/k - just kidding
jm2c - just my 2 cents
jt - just teasing
kewl - cool
kma - kiss my ass
kotc - kiss on the cheek
kotl - kiss on the lips
l8r (later)
ljbf - let''s just be friends
lmao - laughing my ass off
lol - laughing out loud
lola - laugh out loud again
lool - laughing outragously out loud
ltns - long time now seen
luwamh - love you with all my heart
lylas - love you like a sister
motos - member of the opposite sex
motss - member of the same sex
msg - message
mtfbwy - may the force be with you
mush - multi usuário shared hallucination
netua - nobody ever tells us anything
nm - never mind
np - no problem
nrn - no reply necessary
nta - non-technical acronym
ntk - nice to know
obtw - oh by the way
oic - oh I see
omg - oh my God
ompl - one moment please
onna - oh no not again
onnta - oh no not this again
ooi - out of interest
otoh - on the other hand
p2p - person to person
pda - public display of affection
pita - pain in the ass
pls - please
pm - personal message
pmfji - pardon me for jumping in
pmigbom - put mind in gear before opening mouth
pmji - pardon my jumping in
pov - point of view
ppl - people
qt - cutie
rbay - right back at ya
rfi - request for information
rl - real life
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
roflmao - rolling on floor laughing my ass off
roflol - rolling on floor laughing out loud
rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing
rotflol - rolling on the floor laughing out loud
rtfaq - read the faqs
rtfm - read the f**king manual
sfete - smiling from ear to ear
smaim - send me an instant message
sme - subject matter expert
snafu - situation normal all f**ked up
so - significant other
sohf - sense of humor failure
spam - stupid persons advertisement
su - shut up
swalk - sealed with a loving kiss
tc - take care
tfds - that''s for darnn sure
thx or tnx - thanks
tia - thanks in advance
tic or tnc - tongue in cheek
tptb - the powers that be
ttfn - está está for now
ttyl - talk to you later
twimc - to whom it may concern
ty - thank you
tyvm - thank you very much
tx - thanx
u2 - you too
ur - your
vbg - very big grin
vbs - very big smile
veg - very evil grin
vsf - very sad face
w/ - with
w/b - write back
w/o - without
wad - without a doubt
wb - welcome back
wbs - write back soon
weg - wicked evil grin
wisp - winning is so pleasureable
wrt - with respect to
wt - without thinking
wtg - way to go
wth - what the heck
wttm - without thinking too much
wysiwyg - what you see is what you get
wywh - wish you were here
xo - hugs, kisses
ybs - you''ll be sorry
ymmv - your mileage may vary
yw - you''re welcome
ywia - you''re welcome in advance
zzz - sleeping, bored or tired
fonte: internet

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