De acordo com o jornal inglês
The Independent, o longa de terror "
The Sixth Sense", de M.Night Shyamalan, foi eleito o filme com a reviravolta mais chocante de todos os tempos. Estrelada por Bruce Willis, a história do garoto que vê
dead people (gente morta) revela uma grande surpresa, apontada como a mais espantosa da história do cinema por uma pesquisa encomendada para ajudar a divulgar o novo filme de Robert Pattinson, "Lembranças" (
Remember Me, 2010), em DVD e Blu-Ray. Os dez mais votados filmes de todos os tempos com reviravoltas mais chocantes são: 1. O Sexto Sentido
(The Sixth Sense, 1999) - Bruce Willis's character is in fact dead. 2. Psicose
(Psycho, 1960) - Norman Bates has dressed as his mother. 3. Os Suspeitos
(The Usual Suspects, 1995) - Kevin Spacey's character Verbal is actually the villain Keyser Soze. 4. O Império Contra-Ataca
(The Empire Strikes Back, 1980) - Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father. 5. Jogos Mortais
(Saw, 2004) - Villain Jigsaw is alive and was just pretending to be dead throughout the film. 6. Clube de Lutas
(Fight Club, 1999) - Ed Norton and Brad Pitt's characters are the same person. 7. O Homem de Palha
(The Wicker Man, 1973) - Edward Woodward's Sgt Howie has been lured to become a sacrifice. 8. Os Outros
(The Others, 2001) - Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) and family are ghosts. 9. Seven
(Se7en, 1995) - Spacey's John Doe character has set up the plot to engineer his death. 10. O Planeta dos Macacos
(Planet Of The Apes, 1968) - The setting is planet Earth in the future.
http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/sixth-sense-voted-film-with-most-shocking-twist-2035175.html(Colaboração de Helio D.)
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